
Colleen |

Academic Coaching for current & future university students

I work with current and future university students to get ready for uni! Check out a sample of some previous Wednesday Wisdom emails below and sign up to get the next edition straight to your inbox!

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Did you know about this very Canadian university resource?

Wednesday Wisdom Are you familiar with the Maclean's University Rankings? They differ from other rankings because they focus only on Canadian universities, and they share a ton of really helpful information for students and their supporters as you make decisions about uni! They also have a comprehensive program ranking list, so you can find out which unis offer the best business, nursing, engineering, computer science or education programs! Additionally, they very clearly share and explain...

22 days ago • 1 min read

Wednesday Wisdom Over the next couple of months, I'll be sharing tips for planning your program, university and career! This is particularly geared at grade 12s, who are receiving their university offers over the next couple of months and will have to make decisions. But it will also be helpful for current students who want to make sure they're in the right place and younger high school students, so make sure you share it with anyone who might be interested! Today, I want to talk about...

about 1 month ago • 2 min read

Wednesday Wisdom: Career Exploration In my experience working with students, I've met many who start uni knowing what they want to do after, many who have no idea what they want to do, and then a handful in between those two points. Which one are you? No matter where you fall on this career planning continuum, doing a little career exploration while you're in university will help you out. With opportunities like co-operative work terms, internships, volunteering, and on-campus work, you have...

5 months ago • 1 min read

Wednesday Wisdom: Mid-Semester Dip This can be a challenging time of year, to say the least! The weather is changing, the days are getting shorter, and you're probably REALLY BUSY with midterms and assignments right now. This can lead to feeling overwhelmed and overworked. What can you do to stay calm during this busy time? Prioritize self-care. This is one of the first things to drop off. And I don't mean you need to spend a day at the spa - this is a reminder to cover the basics. Are you...

7 months ago • 1 min read

Wednesday Wisdom: Staying Motivated "But HOW can I stay motivated?" you ask... Here's the secret: Nobody is motivated all the time. That's it. Nobody wakes up every morning just dying to read a textbook and write a paper for some random elective they didn't want to take. How can you overcome this? By doing the work anyways. By building habits so the work gets done a little more automatically and you don't have to rely on WANTING to do it. By focusing on the end goal and recognizing how each...

7 months ago • 2 min read

Wednesday Wisdom: Universty Myths What are some of the things you've heard about university that you think are facts? Some of those might be myths! For example, You won't make any money studying what you like! For this one, I think we need to ask ourselves what we consider a decent early-career salary. According to Statistics Canada, a humanities degree grad makes a median income of $49K five years after graduating, whereas this number is $77K for engineering. However, not everyone has to be...

7 months ago • 1 min read

Wednesday Wisdom This is it - the countdown to start of semester is ON! Did you do everything you wanted to this summer? If not, you have about 5 more days! What's on your list that you want to make sure you do? Personally, because I do all my work online, I'm going to spend as much time as possible working on café patios. I'll also be starting a much stricter schedule in September working on my dissertation proposal, so I'll be taking some time this week to relax. Hit reply and let me know...

8 months ago • 1 min read

Wednesday Wisdom We're getting to the end of summer. I know, it's a sad time when the evenings start getting shorter, and we feel like we're running out of time to do everything we wanted to this summer. Did you have any academic-related goals you wanted to meet this summer? Hit reply to let me know what they are and whether you accomplished them! I don't have any specific advice - it's up to you what you want to do this summer! Generally speaking, I would say take some time to relax and see...

9 months ago • 1 min read

Wednesday Wisdom "What are some specific time management strategies that college students can use to be successful academically and personally?" When you’re a (busy!) student, time and priority management go hand-in-hand. In order to manage your time well, you also need to manage your priorities well. Here’s what I suggest: Track all your assignments and deadlines. Each week, map out everything you need to accomplish: weekly assignments and readings, plus any longer-term projects or papers...

10 months ago • 1 min read

Wednesday Wisdom How can you manage all your competing priorities? Students have so many things on their plates - studying for multiple classes PLUS all the regular life obligations that you already have. How can you manage it all? It's never going to be easy and you will constantly be juggling all your priorities, but if you stay organized you can make sure you never accidentally drop something. Managing your PRIORITIES properly will help you manage your TIME well. I recommend taking a few...

10 months ago • 1 min read
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