
Colleen |

How to manage your priorities, and make small changes for BIG wins!

Published 10 months ago • 1 min read

Wednesday Wisdom

How can you manage all your competing priorities?

Students have so many things on their plates - studying for multiple classes PLUS all the regular life obligations that you already have. How can you manage it all?

It's never going to be easy and you will constantly be juggling all your priorities, but if you stay organized you can make sure you never accidentally drop something.

Managing your PRIORITIES properly will help you manage your TIME well.

I recommend taking a few minutes either first thing in the morning or at the end of the day to set your priorities for your next work session. Take a look at your assignments and projects and deadlines and figure out what you need to spend time on.

I have been using a "time-blocking" method lately. First, I plot out my commitments and appointments for the day, and then look a the time remaining around those and figure out what to do at each time. I use a pen and paper, but a digital calendar is also suitable. If I have a longer block of time, say 2 hours, I will do research and writing. In shorter blocks, I will work on activities that require less focus, like writing emails or submitting my payroll.

If you want to read more about my systems for organizing myself, check out my blog post on managing time and priorities as a student.


Have you ever noticed how a small change can have a big impact?

In Move Your Cookbook, business strategist Hannah Schwartz shares how keeping her cookbook out of the cupboard reminded her to pick out the recipes and make them.

Are there any small changes you can make that will help your studies? Is there something you want to build into your routine but need a reminder? Hit reply to share a small change that led to a big win!

ChooseYourUni News

It's the final day to sign up for Building Confidence for University Studies, which is a free online session tonight at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern. Send this to your friends who will be starting university in September so they can feel calm and be prepared by knowing what to expect!

Colleen |

Academic Coaching for current & future university students

I work with current and future university students to get ready for uni! Check out a sample of some previous Wednesday Wisdom emails below and sign up to get the next edition straight to your inbox!

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