
Colleen |

University Myths: You'll never make any money studying THAT! and more...

Published 8 months ago • 1 min read

Wednesday Wisdom: Universty Myths

What are some of the things you've heard about university that you think are facts? Some of those might be myths!

For example, You won't make any money studying what you like!

For this one, I think we need to ask ourselves what we consider a decent early-career salary. According to Statistics Canada, a humanities degree grad makes a median income of $49K five years after graduating, whereas this number is $77K for engineering.

However, not everyone has to be an engineer (and certainly not everyone wants to), so there are definitely other considerations when you're making these big career decisions.

And also, You're never going to find a job with a degree in THAT!

Yikes! As someone from the west coast who got an undergrad with a French major, I had a lot of trouble answering this question!

This one is interesting, because according to Stats Can again, the unemploment rate for STEM grads in 2016 was actually HIGHER (6.4%) than it was for non-STEM grads (5.5%). But the good news is, both of these numbers were below the national unemployment rate.

My point here is to make sure you're doing your own research! When people tell you broad stories like, "you'll never make any money" or "you'll never get a job," take a look at what's out there to see if it's really true.

I want to know what myths you've heard about university! Hit reply and let me know!


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Hit reply to let me know what myths you've heard about university! I'd love to hear from you.

Colleen |

Academic Coaching for current & future university students

I work with current and future university students to get ready for uni! Check out a sample of some previous Wednesday Wisdom emails below and sign up to get the next edition straight to your inbox!

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