
Colleen |

Time management hacks, and how to take a pause and just breathe!

Published 10 months ago • 1 min read

Wednesday Wisdom

"What are some specific time management strategies that college students can use to be successful academically and personally?"

When you’re a (busy!) student, time and priority management go hand-in-hand.

In order to manage your time well, you also need to manage your priorities well.

Here’s what I suggest:

Track all your assignments and deadlines. Each week, map out everything you need to accomplish: weekly assignments and readings, plus any longer-term projects or papers that you need to work on. I also map out my non-student goals (ie for work or personal life) and add them to the list.

Each day, I map out my commitments. I like to do this on paper, but a lot of people like to use a digital calendar. Use whatever works for you!

Once my appointments and commitments (things that are at specific times) are plotted, I fit in my work around those. I do this daily, but if you have a more complicated schedule it may help to plan this out at the beginning of the week.

For projects that require more focus, I like to have some larger blocks (2hrs+) for them, so I usually add those first. Then I work in other tasks around that.

I take a few minutes either at the end of the day or at the start of the day to re-evaluate my priorities and make sure I’m getting everything done that I need to.

This method is pretty similar to what’s called “time-blocking” so if you want to search Youtube or Google, etc, that’s a phrase you can search for.

I go into more detail about how I organize myself on my blog - check it out!


I don't know if you know this about me, but I LOVE PODCASTS! True crime, self-improvement, culty things, study skills, news... I love it all!

One of my new picks that I want to share with you is Abundantly Aware, in which host Katie takes us on short, soothing guided meditations and offers us journaling prompts. You can find the Abundantly Aware Podcast on Youtube and on Spotify, whichever you prefer! Check out this 5-minute Meditation to Ease Overwhelm (Youtube or Spotify), which can be helpful for any student (because we're always overwhelmed, amiright?), and let me know if you like it.

ChooseYourUni News

The new Meta branded, Twitter-style app Threads has really taken the world by storm so far. Are you on there? Let's be friends! Follow us on Threads to get all my study tips and ask questions!

Colleen |

Academic Coaching for current & future university students

I work with current and future university students to get ready for uni! Check out a sample of some previous Wednesday Wisdom emails below and sign up to get the next edition straight to your inbox!

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