
Colleen |

Did you know about this very Canadian university resource?

Published about 1 month ago • 1 min read

Wednesday Wisdom

Are you familiar with the Maclean's University Rankings?

They differ from other rankings because they focus only on Canadian universities, and they share a ton of really helpful information for students and their supporters as you make decisions about uni!

They also have a comprehensive program ranking list, so you can find out which unis offer the best business, nursing, engineering, computer science or education programs!

Additionally, they very clearly share and explain how they determine their rankings - which is super important to understand if you're using this information to influence your decisions.

Resources: Upcoming Scholarship Deadlines

April 15th - Gloria Barron Price for Young Heroes ($10,000)

April 20th - LA Tutors Innovation in Education Scholarship ($500 USD)

April 30th - IWSH Essay Scholarship Contest ($1000-$2000)

April 30th - Assumption Life Scholarships (multiple at $1500)

April 30th - Jelly Academy Marketing Education Scholarship Fund (two at $2500)

If you didn't already have these on your list, maybe you'll want to download our list of 200+ scholarships for Canadian students here for $10!

ChooseYourUni News

We are offering two free upcoming webinars:

April 16 - Building Confidence for University: For students starting uni in the fall, and their supporters. Learn about university culture and expectations, time and assignment management, improving your study skills, and finding help on campus.

April 29 - Scholarship Info Session: For future & current university students. Learn how to find and apply for more scholarships to pay for university!

We've also reduced the price of our online scholarship course to $24.99. In this course, we go more in-depth to help you create your own list of scholarships to apply to, craft high-quality applications, and stay organized so you can apply for more scholarships. You'll also get a list of 200+ scholarships for Canadian students to get you started!

Our new course, Networking for Students, will be launching later this month. Keep your eyes on this space if you're interested!

And we're in the midst of a website redesign - it's going to be more value-packed and easier to navigate than ever! And pretty, too!

What would you like to see in this newsletter? Hit reply and let me know!

Colleen |

Academic Coaching for current & future university students

I work with current and future university students to get ready for uni! Check out a sample of some previous Wednesday Wisdom emails below and sign up to get the next edition straight to your inbox!

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